Wine tourism

Wine tourism · 24. September 2024
Wine tourism in Champagne: the Côte des Bar
Let's go to the Aube department, east of the city of Troyes, to discover one of the regions producing Champagne: the Côte des Bar owes its name to the Celtic word 'barr', meaning mount, mound or hill. The region is indeed very hilly, with sometimes steep vineyard slopes! The term is now used in the plural to refer to the two main towns located in the vineyard: Bar-sur-Seine and Bar-sur-Aube. We're telling you what to do, what to drink and eat in this beautiful wine-making region.
Wine tourism · 02. January 2024
Wine tourism in the Forez region
Auvergne is an area we don't necessarily think about when it comes to wine. However, there is a small vineyard in the Forez region, in the south of the Loire department: 150 hectares are planted at the foot of the Forez mountains, northwest of Saint Étienne, and allow the production of red wines under AOC Côtes du Forez. Although I didn't really fall in love with the vineyard landscapes of that area, the wines are really worth trying. Here is why.
Wine tourism · 16. August 2023
Wine tourism in the Canary Islands: the vineyard of Lanzarote
The vineyard of Lanzarote, in the Canary Islands, is unique in the world. Planted on volcanic ashes, the vines must grow in extreme conditions. I'm telling you more about this surprising vineyard, for which I had a real crush during my holidays the island in summer 2022. Moreover, Lanzarote offers more facets than the vineyards and the wines: some of them are presented in this article, which, I hope, will make you feel like visiting this astonishing island.
Wine tourism · 24. April 2023
Wine tourism in Vietnam
Vietnam is not really a country people think about when it comes to wine and wine tourism. However, there is a small wine production in this Southeast Asian country. A trip to Vietnam at the end of 2022 allowed me to visit an area that I wanted to discover for a while - the place where Vietnamese wines and grapes are produced. In fact, two distinct areas, as the wines are not made in the same region as the one where the grapes are grown. More explanations in this article.
Wine tourism · 03. August 2022
Wine tourism in the Upper Loire: the Côte Roannaise
It's summer time and the holidays are a good opportunity to discover new wine regions! This time I am taking you to a small vineyard whose popularity is rising: AOC Côte Roannaise, in the Loire department (42), is part of the Loire vineyard. Its wines are more and more present in wine shops and sought after by wine lovers. I had the opportunity to spend a long weekend in the region at the beginning of the summer, and I was delighted by all that it has to offer.
Wine tourism · 24. November 2021
Wine tourism in Campania
It's been a while since I published an article dedicated to wine travel abroad. That's because for almost two years now, Covid has severely limited our trips to foreign countries. In November 2021, I was lucky enough to spend a week in Naples and its region. Although wine tourism was not the main reason for this trip, I couldn't help taste some wines and marvel at the vine-growing landscapes by the seaside. Here is what you should expect when going to Campania.
Wine tourism · 18. November 2021
Wine tourism in the Beaujolais vineyard
Hilly landscapes, lots of old vines, rocky soils and in the end, fruity and light red wines: this is Beaujolais! A name that the French often associate with Beaujolais Nouveau, the new wine released on the 3rd Thursday of November. But Beaujolais is much more than that! Breathtaking vineyard landscapes, 10 crus... Here is an overview of what you could discover in the Beaujolais region if you ever get the chance to go there.
Wine tourism · 21. April 2021
Wine production in Vietnam
Vines and wine in Vietnam? Yes, it is mainly produced around the city of Dalat, in the center of the country. It was in fact the French who introduced viticulture to this country at the end of the 19th century. Some figures and report of some Vietnamese wine tastings. Without claiming to be a specialist, of course! But you can also do wine tourism in Vietnam!
Wine tourism · 25. February 2021
Wine heritage: vineyard lodges in the Loire Valley
If you come to the Loire Valley and take a wine tour, you will inevitably notice small houses, proudly standing in the middle of the vineyards - sometimes abandoned and in ruins, unfortunately. Vineyard lodges are the witnesses of past times, of another way of life - that of the local winegrowers until the end of WWII. Do not hesitate to walk in the vineyard (the footpaths are public) to discover these charming little buildings -some of them remain open - when visiting the Loire Valley.
Wine tourism · 04. April 2020
Wild tulips in the vineyard of Vouvray, in the Loire Valley, are a protected species and a beautiful sight to discover every spring. More information in this article, published in a particular context...

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Loire Wine Tours

Myriam Fouasse-Robert


37210 Chançay

+33 6 52 16 97 07


Wine is a cultural product. It should be enjoyed as such and consumed in moderation.

Alcohol abuse is bad for your health.

The prices mentioned are valid from January 1st to December 31st 2021.