apple and sweet wine tiramisu

9th December 2019... Autumn is about to go, after bringing its changing and shimmering colours as well as its many delicacies in our gardens and orchards. The freezing temperatures we've experienced over the last few days prove that winter has arrived. A time of the year when we appreciate eating warm and comforting food, as well as heartening desserts.
For this recipe we will use a local and seasonal product - apples - associated with a style of wine we generally enjoy drinking in winter. Sweet wines, because of their high concentration in sugar*, and for some of them, because of their low acidity level, are generally wines that are less appreciated when the weather is warm.
The proof is that they are often served at festive meals during the holiday season, for instance as an aperitif with nice appetizers or with foie gras, a dish traditionally associated with Christmas or New Year's celebrations.
Here is a simple recipe: a dessert of Italian inspiration adapted to use ingredients both found in the Loire Valley. A dessert to make a few hours before serving it and to serve with the wine used in the recipe.
Ingredients (for 4 people) :
- 4 farm eggs
- 50 g sugar
- 12 cl sweet wine (if you want to use a Loire Valley wine, the following AOC wines should be perfect : Vouvray, Montlouis-sur-Loire, Coteaux du Layon, Coteaux de l'Aubance...)
- 4 apples
- 250g mascarpone
- ladyfinger biscuits
- a few knobs of butter
Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until the mixture turns pale. Add the mascarpone and mix.
Beat the egg whites, add them to the mixture and mix again.
Peel the apples, slice them and brown them in a frying pan with a few knobs of butter and 2 cl of sweet wine.
Keep the cooking juice from the apples and add the remaining wine to it.
Dip the biscuits in this syrup and put them at the bottom of a dish or verrines. Cover with apples then with the mascarpone mixture. Repeat the operation to get several layers.
Chill for at least a couple of hours before serving.
Bon appétit !

* the French traditionally make the difference beween sweet and super sweet wines. The former are called 'moelleux' while the latter are referred to as 'liquoreux'. Yet the term 'liquoreux' can't legally appear on the label of a bottle of wine. It is the word 'doux' that the winemakers have to use (cf the picture representing a super sweet Vouvray wine - a wine produced in the Loire Valley from Chenin Blanc grapes - that contains about 95 g/l of residual sugar). Some winemakers prefer to use the more generic word 'moelleux', but a 'moelleux' wine normally contains less residual sugar (i.e. sugars from the grapes that have not been turned into alcohol by grape yeasts during the fermentation process) than a 'liquoreux/doux' wine. This lack of precision can be tricky for the consumer, who may think he/she is buying a wine that is sweet but not overly sweet but who may end up with an extremely sweet wine in his/her glass!
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